Writing Technical Safety Examination of Devices and Equipment

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Preparation of a technical passport for potentially hazardous equipment and machinery

Hazard Preparation of technical passport for equipment and facilities operated at potential facilities

Determines the rules for the restoration of passports and operating instructions for installations and equipment operated in industrial areas.

Restoration of passports and operating instructions in the Azerbaijani language in the foreign language, lost or unusable for devices and equipment manufactured in accordance with GOST and other equivalent standards.

Devices and equipment passports must consist of the following sections:

  • Title page;
  • General information and key technical indicators;
  • Supply set;
  • Service life, maintenance and manufacturer's warranty;
  • Packaging certificate;
  • Admission certificate;
  • Displacement during operation (if necessary);
  • Information on the person responsible for the operation of the facility and equipment;
  • Registration of maintenance and repair work according to the instructions (if necessary)
  • Records of operation and maintenance (if necessary);
  • Special notes.


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